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Photo by José Lorvão

Nuno Santos to stay at Sporting CP through to 2027

By Sporting CP
16 Aug, 2023

The renewal was made official this week

Nuno Santos has renewed his contract with Sporting Clube de Portugal through to 2027, with a buyout clause of 60 million euros.

Speaking after the confirmation of the new deal, the Sporting CP player explained that he was satisfied to be continuing at the club.

 “It's a feeling of great happiness and pride and I will continue to do everything for this club, trying to win trophies. We will always give our all, because this is a huge club and we feel very happy here: I speak for myself and for the team”, he told the club's official media.

Nuno Santos sees the renewal as further proof of the confidence Sporting CP have shown in the qualities he possesses.

“Without a doubt, I really wanted to stay here at Sporting CP, but this is yet another reason for the club's confidence in me. I will continue to give everything, we'll try to achieve the club's objectives and I'm going to try to help, now in my fourth season. We're going to give it our all and continue at maximum strength”.

“It is a very big feeling of identification with the team. Since I arrived at Sporting CP I've been very much appreciated by everyone, both inside and outside the club and by the supporters, and it's a feeling of great happiness. When I arrived, I was very surprised by the club and its structure and I am very happy. It is a feeling of great pride and I will always give everything”.

In addition to winning more trophies at Sporting CP, he also has the ambition to be a full international for Portugal.

“This has been one of my biggest goals for a long time, but I have to work every day to achieve it and then it's up to the coach to decide whether to call me up or not. It's one of my dreams to represent the Portuguese national team”.